What about immunity?

There is something I never understood throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Why have the Authorities and their advisers, Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, never even mentioned the importance of boosting our own innate immune system? Their announcements give the impression that this virus is equally dangerous to everybody, which it is not. With the ‘lockdown’ and the ‘stay at home to save lives’ message, they have implied there is nothing we can do to protect ourselves other than to avoid catching it. Every one of their initiatives is designed to reduce the transmission of the disease. None of their ideas promote our individual ability to cope with Covid-19 if we become infected. We have all been made to feel helpless but, I believe, all of us can and should be taking control of our own destiny. Whitty and Vallance missed a fantastic opportunity to use this crisis to improve the overall health of the entire nation.

We all have a natural immune system that deals constantly with bacteria and viruses. Some people have a much better immune system than others but we can all do things to make ours as robust as possible. I have previously written about how the vast majority of deaths and hospitalisations occur in people with pre-existing illness and, frequently, a Vitamin D deficiency. I think it makes sense to shield these vulnerable people, whose immunity is compromised. However, most of the people who have tested positive for the virus have had either mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. This coronavirus appears, therefore, to be really dangerous only to people who are not in good health and who lack a strong immune system. Why are the Government’s Health Advisers not making this clear? As far as I am aware, boosting our own immune system has never been recommended by any of them.

I believe they have made matters worse with their ‘lockdown’ strategy. Diet, sleep and vitamin D status all affect our immune system. Another significant factor is stress. Whenever we are in immediate danger, the hormone Cortisol is released to prime us for the ’flight or fight’ response. It adjusts our biochemistry to give us the best chance of surviving when we have to run for our lives. This is a natural and helpful response and the hormone is dissipated by the intense activity which ensues. However, stress hormones become a serious problem when they are released over a long period of time. The process is complex but the result is a diminished immune system. (People with latent viruses, like cold sores, will know they only flare up during times of physical or mental stress, At other times, the immune system keeps them suppressed.)

What causes stress?

1. Isolation. Humans are naturally gregarious people. We thrive on social interactions and find enforced isolation extremely stressful.

2. Work. Our employment often defines us and gives us a sense of purpose and self-worth. Losing a job can be a great source of stress.

3. Fear. Living with a constant worry that something very dangerous may be close by, coupled with the realisation that you do not know where it is, nor how to prevent it, is exceptionally stressful.

4. Money. A serious shortage of money, with mouths to feed and bills to pay, is one of life’s greatest stressors.

5. Denial of access to green spaces. Lots of research has shown that time spent in green spaces, on sunny days, is a potent way to reduce stress levels.

For many people, the ‘lockdown’ will have created chronic, increased levels of stress, which may well have lowered their natural immunity. It is important that we all take steps to improve by embracing the opportunity to exercise, or just spend time, in open, green spaces to boost our mood and allow sunshine onto our skin to increase vitamin D levels. (See the previous blog to understand the remarkable benefits of this.)

I appreciate that some people have endured a far worse ‘lockdown’ than others. To them, my comments may seem irrelevant compared to their plight but an improvement in health and immunity will always have benefits. Taking positive actions to enhance our well-being gives us a stress-reducing sense of control and self-worth.

Our diet is the number one determinant of our health. The majority of people dying of Covid-19 have Metabolic Syndrome which is a collection of health problems including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high serum triglycerides. It often leads to heart disease and type 2 diabetes and is linked to insulin resistance. Contrary to a lot of medical consensus, these can all be reversed or reduced in a matter of weeks with the correct diet. Whitty and Vallance have never mentioned this at any time. I believe they are negligent for not doing so.

Some of the steps we can take to improve our health through diet include:

1. Eliminate sugar and ultra-processed and refined foods.

2. Reduce all types of carbohydrates to a low level.

3. Eliminate ‘vegetable oils’ because they increase inflammation. They are present in nearly all processed foods.

4. Eat real food from a farmer or fisherman not a factory.

5. Eat lots of meat, eggs, fish, butter and cheese along with fresh vegetables that grow above the ground.

Seeking the truth about Covid-19

“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Albert Einstein 1901.

“We will remove any medical comments that do not align with WHO advice.” Youtube CEO 2020.

To say these are strange times would be a great understatement. Everybody’s life has been disrupted either by Covid-19 or the Government’s reaction to it. An unprecedented ‘lockdown’ was forced upon us all to ‘flatten the curve’ and ‘prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed’. The newspapers and broadcast media have urged us to ‘stay at home and save lives’ to the exclusion of almost every other topic. Although millions of words have been written about Covid-19 already, I am adding a few more because I believe important information has not been made widely available.

Neil Ferguson is an epidemiologist at Imperial College, London, whose predictions have greatly influenced the Government’s actions. Using computer modelling techniques, he predicted, originally, that 500,000 people would die, in the UK, from this virus unless a severe lockdown was implemented. Before we thank him for his foresight, we should remember that he also predicted that ‘Bird Flu’ would kill up to 200 million people world-wide. It killed 440. He also said that ‘Mad Cow Disease’ would kill 50,000 in the UK. The death toll was just over 200. (He has just resigned from his Government advisory position for breaking the lockdown he recommended.)

Having shut down our lives, the Government needs to justify that action. One of the ways they do this is to count every death as a Covid-19 death if the victim had the virus, or had the symptoms of the virus. Doctors are currently allowed to assume someone died of Covid-19 when completing a death certificate. We will never know how many people died of the virus or died of something else whilst they had the virus. Whatever the death toll turns out to be, it will be nowhere near Prof. Ferguson’s number.

“The coronavirus does not discriminate.” In March we were told this on several occasions and it is true that anyone may be infected. However, when it comes to who dies, the virus certainly appears to discriminate. It almost exclusively takes people who are already suffering from metabolic diseases and old people whose natural immunity is impaired.

deaths ratio

These figures, from the NHS, show that 95% of the people who died had a diagnosed, pre-existing condition. The people without a pre-existing condition may have been metabolically unwell without having been diagnosed, so the figure may be even higher. The most common pre-existing conditions are diabetes, obesity and heart disease, which tend to be more prevalent in the elderly. However, these conditions are avoidable with the correct lifestyle and diet. Unfortunately, the NHS advises us all to eat a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet, which directly increases our chances of developing the metabolic diseases which this virus attacks.

Vitamin D. A pre-existing condition, which is never mentioned during the Government’s daily broadcasts is Vitamin D deficiency. Nearly everybody in the UK is lacking vitamin D at this time of year following the winter. It has been shown to be a vital part of our innate immune system and previous studies have demonstrated its ability to tackle respiratory, viral diseases, like influenza. In some places doctors have tested their Covid-19 patients and discovered exceptional results.

This first study is from Indonesia and the second from America –

It is clear from these results that Vitamin D deficiency is a pre-existing condition which greatly increases someone’s chance of dying when contracting Covid-19. If our health authorities were aware of this surely they would encourage us to sit in the sun, whilst social-distancing. Instead, they have allowed the police to move people on, who are trying to improve their immune systems via sunlight. The NHS advises us to protect ourselves from the direct rays of the sun, which is our evolved way of producing Vitamin D. Too much sun can be bad for us, but too little is also detrimental.

In the UK, winter sunshine is too weak to stimulate vitamin production. However, we can get vitamin D from food but the active form, D3, only comes from animal sources like fatty fish and eggs. It is fat soluble and we need fat in our diet to absorb it. The NHS dietary guidelines advise a low-fat diet. They also advise a reduction in cholesterol levels, which is a huge problem because cholesterol is an essential part of the process that creates vitamin D when sun shines on our skin.

Inflammation. In human biology, the term inflammation is used to describe a complex process in which a variety of molecules are released into the blood stream by the immune system to fight infections. The swelling and redness that comes with an infected cut is an essential defence mechanism. However, some people can have a long-lasting, low-level of inflammation which can be harmful. When people die from the coronavirus they often suffer a ‘cytokine storm’. Cytokines are messenger molecules which trigger immune responses but, if too many are produced, the immune system can over-react and start attacking our own cells as well as those of the virus. This can cause death by multiple organ failure.

Having high-levels of inflammation before we are infected increases the odds on suffering too much inflammation during an illness. We can improve our odds by having very low levels of inflammation. The essential omega fatty acids play a role in this process. Omega-3 reduces inflammation while Omega-6 increases inflammation. It is believed that our evolutionary diet had a one-to-one balance of these two nutrients. Modern diets can contain a ratio of 16 to 1 in favour of the pro-inflammatory Omega-6. This has happened because we have all been persuaded, by the NHS Dietary Guidelines, to replace traditional lard and dripping in our cooking with ‘vegetable oils’. These modern, industrially-extracted oils have a very high percentage of Omega-6 and are rife in processed foods. Interestingly, Vitamin D is a potent anti-inflammatory and can greatly reduce the chance of a cytokine storm.

The Lockdown. We have all accepted an extraordinary curtailment of our freedoms and livelihoods because we have been told we have to ‘save lives’. Nobody seems to know how much damage will be done to society, the economy, and other health problems as a result of the lockdown but with tens of thousands of people already made redundant, the consequences will be severe. Recent surveys have shown that many people are too afraid of the virus to want their normal freedoms back.

The evidence here shows that the best way to save lives is to be metabolically healthy with low blood sugar and high vitamin D levels. Why is the Government failing to tell us any of this information? We cannot know their motives, nor the motives of their advisers, but to do so would mean admitting that the official dietary advice is wrong and has been for decades.

The Government never tells us to improve our metabolic health and innate immune systems. Instead, it promotes vaccines, testing and phone-tracking apps. All of these things will make some companies a lot of money. Sunbathing, for a short time, without sunscreen and eating low-carb, high-fat, real food from a farmer or fisherman will not make anyone a fortune. However, we can all do these things and, not only reduce our risk from Covid19 considerably, but also improve all aspects of our health for years to come. The real pandemic here is not so much the virus as the pandemic of metabolic syndrome which the virus has remorselessly attacked.

My complaint to the BBC

This is my complaint to the BBC about ‘Meat: a threat to our planet?’

Whilst I agree that the US Feedlots shown are an awful way to treat cattle and we should not be catching fish to feed to animals, this programme completely failed to show how sustainable farming is done in the UK. If it had pointed out the difference between the worst practise and the best of animal farming it would have been very useful. It did not. It implied that all animal farming is bad and damaging. This is a lie by omission. The programme completely over-used emotion in trying to change people’s perspectives. Many of the statistics given were grossly exaggerated.
The truth, which was completely ignored, is that correctly managed, grass-fed ruminant animals increase soil fertility and biodiversity; they sequester carbon into the soil and can be carbon negative. They provide the most complete and nutrient dense food our species can eat. Methane emitted by cattle is part of a carbon cycle and does not cause global warming. How can it do so when ruminants have been burping methane for 50 million years? Independent UK farmers care for their animals and the land: this programme implied they are pariahs.
The clear instruction that we should all stop eating meat involved absolutely no mention of nutrition. Research from all over the world has shown that children on vegan diets suffer from stunting, failure to thrive, a wide variety of mineral deficiencies and serious, sometimes irreversible, neurological defects. This programme openly encouraged parents to risk severe developmental problems in their children without any word of warning about the removal of meat from their diets.
As a licence fee payer, I insist that you balance this anti-meat propaganda with a programme showing how UK livestock farmers provide nutritious food in a fully sustainable way, whilst improving the soil and sequestering carbon.